Jun 3, 2008

Been a while

Okay! it has been a while since my last post, but things have been crazy around here! I feel like I am running non stop and I love/hate it!! Just an update, Paul had an interview with a new company this Monday!! A gentleman who goes to our church and has a successful business and needs some help!! Please all who my stop by to read this, take a second out of your day to please pray for God to open this door...I know he can do it...if he just will!! This is my new life motto!! I really desire my husband to be home every night and be able to have some sort of normal schedule!! Thanks, if you prayed!!....Anyways I am enjoying the heat, I know it is crazy but I am loving being in water and having a tan, just feels nice.

I have really had baby fever the past few weeks...even though my youngest is still very young I just feel like there is another little Estes out there. I am still trying to shed pregnancy pounds, and then Paul and I will try for another baby, but if I was skinner, I would try now!!

All in all life is good, business is busy, this month is crazy, but I am looking forward to heading up north the end of the month and visiting my family!!

1 comment:

Fibia said...

Huh, so you kept it a secret... who knows, you might get pregnant soon, since you want it.
Love you, girl!