Nov 7, 2008

I left my camera home....BUMMER!!!!

I must start by saying, I ALWAYS have my camera....this drives Paul crazy so this day(our anniversary) I decided to leave it nice and securely in the case....I should have just followed my gut and brought it!!!!!!!

So yesterday was my anniversary, 4 years, it is crazy how time flies!! 8 years together, 4 years of marriage and 2 kids has been busy!! I love it!!! How I look back and see the amazingly sweet memories, and what stories we have written together. What history!!

Last night my hubby surprised me with a great night out, we had diner at Red Lobster (one of my favorites)! Dinner was great and Paul is so funny he forever keeps me doubled over in laughter. One reason why I love him! Even when I don't want to laugh, I can't resist his silly faces!

After dinner we headed over to Starbucks (another favorite) for dessert and some nice conversation. Well, we walk in and there is a table set up with roses on it and coffee cups that spell out I love you!!! My favorite drink was waiting for me and we enjoyed each other and we enjoyed Starbucks! This was so awesome!! I could not help but smile from ear to ear, I felt so special!

I was very impressed with Paul's creativity!! And loved how he had to plan it all in advance!!

There would not be enough room on this post to write down all the things I love about Paul, yes we have had our moments, and times have been really great, and times have been really tough. My heart is happy when I reflect back on the past several years and see the story of our life unfold, our marriage, the birth of our children are some of the most sentimental moments and sweetest moments of my life. I am so thankful I have a partner who loves me for me, and loves our family with an unconditional heart! I am so proud to be married to Paul I could not begin to imagine what life would have been like with anyone else!

I love this road we are on, and though there will undoubtedly be bumps in the road ahead I will enjoy the scenery with my very best friend. Paul you are one of three reasons this life, no matter what will always be sweet!Thank you for your commitment to me, the boys and to GOD! You rock my world and I will love you FOREVER!!!!

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