Nov 18, 2008

One of Many!

So last night a friend of mine took me out to dinner for my birthday....yes my birthday was last month but we are just now finding time to get together and do this! I am so thankful for Cynthia, she has been a friend of mine for many years now, and even though we have had times where we were closer than others we always kept in touch and each time we spoke it was like we never had a lapse in conversations.

Cynthia was there through the dating times of Paul and I, she has always encouraged me and spurred me on to be a better woman. She loves people is a great baker and has a beautiful family!

Cynthia, thank you for making me feel so special, and thank you for taking the time out to let me know it! I am so thankful for the many different seasons of our friendship. It seems like yesterday we were planning our weddings together and then rejoicing in the news of upcoming motherhood together as well, you have been with me through some major changes in my life, and I love you very much.

I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends, Cynthia is one of many that God has blessed me with, and I am thankful for all the lovely ladies in my life, you all are special to me in your own unique ways!

1 comment:

Cynthia Cooley said...

Thank you honey!! I am so glad I made you feel special!! I want you to know that even though you refused to pick out some jewelry-I picked out some for you.... XXOO